
Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! Contact our Fundraising Chair at fundraising@liscanopta.org to become a sponsor today! 

Notice of Proposed Bylaw Change  

Save the Date! A special meeting for Liscano PTA members is being called on May 9th to present a proposed change to the Bylaws to increase membership dues to $12.00. The meeting will be held virtually, and attendees must register to attend via the link below no later than five days prior to the meeting, to allow for membership verification.


Registration link: https://forms.gle/XpCM7vya23SrbTQJ8




A huge shoutout to all of our Silent Auction donors from this year's Spring Carnival! Thank you to the following companies and families for supporting our school with your generous donations - please go show them some #liscanolove!




Congratulations to Mikkie Applegarth, Linda Do, Alexis Eftimie and Kim Ray for being named as this year's recipients of Texas PTA’s Honorary Life Member Award on behalf of the Liscano Elementary PTA! We are honored to select not only one, but four deserving individuals for this year’s award. The Honorary Life Member Award is a prestigious honor bestowed on deserving individuals by the Texas PTA who have made outstanding contributions to support our school and local community in our mission of making every child's potential a reality. Congratulations to Mikkie, Linda, Alexis, and Kim!